Tell your whole school community about your new heat pump

Resources and guidance for assemblies, pupil presentations and newsletters

10 KS2 KS3 KS4 KS5 Citizenship Languages, Literacy and Communication Science and Technology
Your school has a heat pump and that's something quite special.

Although in some countries, like Norway, heat pumps are a very popular and effective method of heating buildings, in Britain they're still quite unusual.  There are only 3000 people in the whole of the UK who actually know how to install them.  So your school might be the only building in your area that has one.

However heat pumps are really quite amazing.  They can be a low carbon heating solution for homes and buildings.    So tell your school and your community about it.

You might want to hold an assembly for pupils or an information session for parents.  Make a display, write an article for the newsletter or the local newspaper/news website or get creative - posters, videos, leaflets the lot.

You can do your own research into heat pumps if you'd like but we've collected some facts for you to use here.

We think its great to see what you get up to so don't forget to record this activity and include photos or videos or documents so we can share them with other schools.

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