Having looked at our recent electricity data using energy sparks we have set the target of a 10% average reduction all all electricity consumption over a week. Including periods of time when school is shut and out of hours. On average when school is open we use about 4456kWh a week, we would like to reduce this value by 10%, this is a reduction of 445.62 kWh a week so average weekly value when school would then be 4010kWh a week. We will also be hoping to reduce electricity usage when school is shut too.
We have also added a few energy meters around school to monitor how much electricity specific appliances are using when on stand by mode and/or not switched off. Our intention is to present this data to staff in the next staff meeting on Friday 22nd March to persuade staff to change behaviors and switch unused appliances, such has interactive white boards, off when not being used.
From initial spot checks last week we feel one big wastage of electricity is leaving interactive white boards on during break time, lunchtime and over night. We are planning to carry out spot checks on 5/3/24 and pupils will feed back findings to staff in briefing on 22/3/24
Activity description
Reducing your energy costs and carbon emissions involves careful planning. Having a stated goal is also a great way of staying focused on what you're doing. Plus meeting your target means something to celebrate - a great reason to hold a whole school assembly or talk about your fab Energy team work in the school newsletter!
When you set a target you'll get progress reports, suggestions of activities, and more detailed analysis focused on your energy reduction targets.
All you have to do is click on the set a target action prompt on the adult dashboard and have a think about what target is suggested for you. We always suggest a reduction of 5% to start with.
However you might have big ideas for how you can tackle energy waste at your school and want to aim for 10%. Or you might want to take baby steps to tackle old buildings, old equipment and lack of awareness. It's completely up to you.
Once you've set your target you'll update you on your progress month by month so make sure you check back at least once a term!
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