Upgraded kitchen appliances

Use our guidance next time you purchase energy efficient kitchen equipment

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New kitchen appliance purchasing guidance

Inefficient old fridges and freezers can cost schools over £1,000 per year to run per appliance. A modern fridge or freezer can cost as little as £50 to run so the payback on replacement appliances can be less than a year.
  • A larger fridge/freezer can be more efficient than two smaller ones
  • Make sure the fridge/freezer is the most efficient possible and meets, or exceeds, the energy performance benchmarks
  • Double-door units are in general more efficient than single-door

Cooking appliances
  • Specify smaller ovens and a choice of oven sizes to increase operational flexibility and reduce energy use
  • Purchase ovens with the highest food energy efficiency and lowest idle rate e.g. Energy Star
  • Specify cookers with the shortest warm-up times

Extraction units
  • Consider vertical stacking of ovens to reduce the area of the extraction hood
  • Ensure that the minimum air flow required for plume extraction from the cooking equipment is calculated to avoid over-specification
  • Specify high efficiency fans types and fan motors
  • Install variable speed drives on the fan motors so that system power can be varied to minimise energy use

  • Purchase the most energy efficient equipment (in kWh/100 dishes) 
  • Consider models with heat recovery from hot sanitation
  • Purchase water-efficient dishwashers as these tend to be the most energy-efficient
  • Where centrally-generated hot water is available, provide hot feed to the dishwasher as this can reduce running costs
  • Where local hot water generation exists, it may enable heat recovery from refrigeration.