Short programmes of related activities that pupils can work through step-by-step to achieve greater impact
As an Energy Sparks user you can enrol in any of our programmes and record activities to track your progress and score points for your school.
Reduce the amount of electricity running in the background at your school
This programme is intended for pupils
Completing this programme will score you 30 bonus points
Use our transport survey and this programme to calculate and cut the carbon emissions from the school commute
This programme is intended for pupils
Completing this programme will score you 30 bonus points
Several activities to help you get to grips with basic data analysis and behavioural change and take the first steps to lowering your carbon footprint.
This programme is intended for pupils
Completing this programme will score you 30 bonus points
Learn about heat pumps and analyse the difference they've made to your school energy consumption
This programme is intended for pupils
Completing this programme will score you 30 bonus points
Set the heating to come on later in the morning and tackle heating waste in your school
This programme is intended for the whole school
Completing this programme will score you 30 bonus points
Take action on inefficient and unnecessary lighting
This programme is intended for pupils
Completing this programme will score you 30 bonus points
Turn down the heat with Energy Sparks and tackle heating waste in your school
This programme is intended for the whole school
Completing this programme will score you 30 bonus points
Tackle school dinner food waste with these engaging activities
This programme is intended for pupils
Completing this programme will score you 30 bonus points
Make the connection between leaving equipment on and reducing your impact on the environment.
This programme is intended for pupils
Completing this programme will score you 30 bonus points
Turn down the heat with Energy Sparks and tackle heating waste in your school
This programme is intended for pupils
Completing this programme will score you 30 bonus points