Recent energy usage

Use (kWh) CO2 (kg) Cost (£) Potential savings % Change
Electricity Last week 7,370 868 £1,110 n/a -36%
Last year 553,000 73,800 £83,000 £33,000 +3.6%
Gas Last week 0 0 0p n/a n/a
Last year 57,900 10,600 £1,740 none -74%
Electricity data: 1 Sep 2018 - 18 Oct 2024. Gas data: 1 Oct 2021 - 19 Oct 2024. How did we calculate these figures?

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Gas only supplies the two Combined Heat and Power (CHP) units at the school, which are only run intermittently on demand if required. Your gas use is therefore not typical for a secondary school.

You have completed 0/8 of the activities in the Get Energised! programme
Complete the final 8 activities now to score 70 points and 30 bonus points for completing the programme

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Recent alerts

Last year you used 3,500 kWh of gas and 16,000 kWh of electricity in the Autumn half term 2023 holidays. Turn off your heating, hot water and electrical appliances to save around £2,600 this year. 

Bad News!  Your school's electricity use in the Autumn half term 2024 holidays has increased by 11% compared to Autumn half term 2023. Between Saturday 12 Oct 2024 and Friday 18 Oct 2024 you used 8,200 kWh at a cost of £1,200. This is an increase of 830 kWh compared to the same period in the holidays last year and released an extra 190 kg CO2.

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Recent activity across Energy Sparks

Schools score points by recording their activities to investigate their energy use, learning about energy, and taking energy saving actions around their school.

School Points Activity
Little Heath School 0 Started working towards their energy saving target
Maryland Primary School 0 Started working towards their energy saving target
Little Heath School 0 Started working towards their energy saving target
Parkside Community School 30 Upgraded interior lights to LED