We regularly discuss how as a school we can be more energy efficient in whole school assemblies and School Council meetings. The children share their ideas of the ways we can all work together to ensure devices are switched off when not in use. They have also discussed how we can conserve warmth in the school by ensuring when it is cooler, doors and windows are kept shut.
We always ensure that Smartboards are turned off during break times, lights are not left on in the classrooms / kitchen if the rooms are not in use. All staff are encourage to switch all plugs off at the wall before leaving the room for the day. The Head and Deputy Head always check every room before locking the school each day to ensure all devices are switched off. The only devices left on over night are the medical fridge and fridge-freezer. All lighting in the school is now LED.
We have moved to cloud storage for our IT network so no longer need a server. This has supported our reduction in energy use.