
All activities

Explore the facts and issues around climate change and energy

A collection of 34 activities relevant to a range of subjects and key stages.

Are heat pumps the answer?

Learn about what heat pumps are and why they're replacing gas boilers

20 KS2 KS3 KS4 KS5 Citizenship Mathematics and Numeracy Science and Technology

Be an Energy Hero

An activity for primary pupils to think about why it is important to fight climate change through using less energy and to feel empowered to take action as ‘Energy Warriors’

10 KS1 KS2 Citizenship Science and Technology

Build a model floating wind turbine

A video on renewables and activity instructions to build a floating wind turbine

10 KS2 KS3

Find out about innovative renewable energy ideas

Find out about some amazing renewable energy generating inventions and design your own.

20 KS3 KS4 Science and Technology

Find out about oil and its impact on the environment

Find out where oil comes from, what it's used for and the impacts it has on the planet

20 KS2 KS3 Citizenship Humanities Mathematics and Numeracy Science and Technology

Find out why food waste is bad for the planet

Fascinating facts about why food waste is such a huge environmental problem

20 KS2 KS3 KS4 Citizenship

Hold a debate about renewable energy

Explore the different viewpoints around wind farm development by running this KS2 debate

10 KS2 Citizenship Languages, Literacy and Communication

How does a heat pump work?

10 KS2 KS3 KS4 Science and Technology

Investigate options for making your school fully energy efficient

This activity encourages pupils to select energy efficiency measures that will have a good cost and carbon payback

20 KS3 KS4 KS5 Citizenship Science and Technology

Invite in an expert

Invite in a sustainability professional to talk about their job

20 KS1 KS2 KS3 KS4 KS5 Humanities Mathematics and Numeracy Science and Technology

Is biomass best?

A class activity exploring the advantages and disadvantages of biomass for heating and electricity

10 KS3 KS4 Humanities Languages, Literacy and Communication

Learn about appliances that use energy at home and school

Learn about the appliances that guzzle energy at home and at school

10 KS1 KS2 Citizenship Science and Technology

Learn about Community Energy

Learn about the concept of local energy cooperatives

20 KS2 KS3 KS4 Citizenship Science and Technology

Learn about marine energy

Resources for KS2 and GCSE students on tidal renewables

10 KS2 KS3 KS4 Humanities Science and Technology

Learn about water power

Video clips and experiments to learn more about water power

10 KS1 KS2 KS3 Science and Technology

Learn about where our electricity and gas comes from and their impact on the environment

An overview of how electricity is produced, including fossil fuels and renewables, where our gas comes from and how our energy use affects the environment

10 KS1 KS2 KS3 KS4 Citizenship Humanities Science and Technology

Learn more about the COP climate change leaders gathering

An introductory video for our programme to get primary pupils thinking about COP27.

5 KS1 KS2 Citizenship

My impact on the environment

An activity to get KS1 children thinking about their environmental footprint

10 KS1 Citizenship Science and Technology

Planet vs. Plastic.

Why is plastic production one of the biggest uses of energy on our planet? Find out more and pledge action with this group of activities.

30 KS2 KS3 KS4 Humanities Languages, Literacy and Communication Mathematics and Numeracy Science and Technology

Research renewable energy cooperatives or initiatives in your area.

Find out more about renewable energy projects in your area

20 KS2 KS3 KS4 KS5 Citizenship Humanities Mathematics and Numeracy Science and Technology

Run a silent debate on energy

An opportunity for pupils to consider and debate issues around energy use and production

10 KS3 KS4 Citizenship Humanities Languages, Literacy and Communication

Solar PV panels and how to increase their efficiency

Experiment to investigate the variations in electrical power generated with changes of solar panel angle, solar panel direction and shade

20 KS3 KS4 Science and Technology

Solar thermal heating, solar furnaces and solar ovens

Solar thermal heating and cooking

10 KS2 KS3 Science and Technology

Understand how our carbon emissions cause the Greenhouse Effect and Climate change

Demonstrate to pupils how the actions they take contribute to the warming of our planet

10 KS1 KS2 KS3 Science and Technology

Understand how our transportation choices impact the environment

Activity plans and worksheets to understand the impact of transportation on the environment

10 KS1 KS2 Citizenship Science and Technology

Understanding energy bills and house hold energy use

A guide to reading energy bills and understanding household energy use

10 KS3 Mathematics and Numeracy

Understanding how our diet affects the climate

Understanding how some of the food that we eat can have a big impact on the climate and our environment.

10 KS1 KS2 KS3 Citizenship Science and Technology

Understand where the UK's gas comes from

Find out where we source our gas from and present the data as a chloropleth map

10 KS3 KS4 Humanities

Understand why COP26 was important

An explainer video and follow on activity to get primary pupils thinking about COP26.

10 KS1 KS2 Citizenship

Watch an animation about renewable energy

Find out about why renewable energy is better for us and the planet

5 KS1 KS2 Citizenship Humanities Science and Technology

What is decarbonisation?

An activity that explains what decarbonisation means, why it's important and what it means for our scool.

20 KS3 Science and Technology

Year 6 statistics - data handling, line graphs, bar charts and pie charts

Use real world data from Energy Sparks schools to cover the National Curriculum objectives of the Year 6 Statistics unit

20 KS2 Mathematics and Numeracy

Other (please specify)

Record any other explorer or learning activities here

5 KS1 KS2 KS3